For the first time GB Labs and SI Media will be sharing a stand, promoting the harmony of their solutions and their reliability and effectiveness when used in conjunction with each other.
Over the past few years, SI Media and GB Labs have worked together on multiple projects across the globe. In 2022, a large project was assigned to provide a production asset management system to a major national broadcaster in Africa. The project had been brought to the table by regional partner Aucom and involved various tasks including: ingest, editing and delivery of media content produced by the news department.
To suit the customer’s needs, SI Media put forward YES!PAM, one of its several applications of their media end-to-end web-based platform YES!, a modular, scalable, and fully customisable suite, multi-platform and multi-data base which is fully based on API rest. With over 50 applications for functions like playout, automation, newsroom computers, MAM, and broadcast management systems, YES!PAM allows the customer to entirely manage the production workflow, from the acquisition of the contents via file ingest and live recording, to the delivery of the media to several destinations.
The YES!PAM solution includes an embedded proxy editor; a quick and intuitive application to create an even more interconnected flow within production. It also fully integrates the major NLE systems, with dedicated extensions that allow the editors to work on projects using SI Media library, directly from within their GUIs.
GB Labs matched the broadcaster’s needs, by suggesting their flagship pure flash SPACE SSD storage server alongside their high availability Cloak DR solution, which provides failover in as little as two seconds. SPACE SSD sits at the heart of the architecture to ensure security of data as well as incredibly high performance to support all activities from editing to playout.
GB Labs unique Cloak DR technology offers complete resilience and a perfect disaster recovery (DR) solution by seamlessly switching to the secondary server and maintaining the same IP address and path to files and folders in the event of failure or planned maintenance of the primary system. This ensures users can continue their time-bound work projects without even noticing the switch from one system to the other.
The system was designed to have no single point of failure in conjunction with fully redundant switches, cables and network ports, ensuring business continuity under all circumstances. Cloak DR allows for servers to be installed in separate locations for true DR resilience, including force major and other localised events.
The two companies work seamlessly together to provide an effective solution, with GB Labs providing reliable and resilient storage to store important data and projects whilst SI Media orchestrate and ensures the fluidity of the complicated and diverse workflow and operations.
“We are excited to be joining our friends from SI Media at MPTS to showcase our joint projects and highlight the synergy in our products. The complete suite of workflow tools from Si Media enhance our storage proposition greatly and provide a very compelling marriage of world class technology.”
Ben Pearce, CBO and Co-founder at GB Labs
“MPTS is the natural evolution of the great relation and cooperation we have established in these past few years with GB Labs, a partner SI Media shares the same concepts with: flexible and scalable solutions, continuous focus on R&D, top-class support.”
Paolo Favaro, EMEA Sales Manager at SI Media
Find the pair and discuss how their combined intelligence provides incredible solutions at stand E30 at the show.